SIC Conference 2024

Building an inclusive work culture

For full event information and to book your ticket:

This year, SIC are shaking things up, making some noise and normalising conversations around disability and neurodivergence. 

​They’re shining a spotlight on the experts, professionals and researchers, with lived disability and neurodivergent experience, to ignite and encourage the key conversations that need to take place right now

​Accessibility and inclusion is not scary. Its critical. And it’s non-negotiable.

​Let’s break down the barriers and work together to make change happen. 

What to expect?

​During this one-day conference, sessions will explore topics including the reality of using AI in hiring, chronic illness in the workplace, reasonable adjustments, and neurodivergence in the gaming industry.

​Wherever you are on your journey to build an accessible and inclusive workplace, join SIC and immerse yourself in a diverse and intersectional offering of panel discussions, engaging talks, and break-out sessions that will leave you inspired, informed, and with clarity for the next step on your journey. 

Are you ready to lead the way? 

Our speakers

​We’re building a day with expert speakers, all of whom bring their lived experiences. So far we have: 

  • ​Pippa Stacey (she/her), 

  • ​Alice Hargreaves (she/her) 

  • ​Daniel O'Driscoll (he/him)

  • ​Georgia Bondy (she/they)

  • ​Dr Rachel Dugdale (she/they) 

  • ​A panel of games industry experts with Ukie - sharing insights from an industry with high representation of neurodivergent professionals 

  • ​A live recording of the Disabled Joy podcast 

  • ​Lego Serous Play 

The reverse job fair 

​For the first time ever, SIC are collaborating with the West Midlands Combined Authority to bring a reverse jobs fair to the West Midlands. 

​Prior to the event we’ll have been working alongside 20 disabled neurodivergent / chronically ill professionals who are experiencing ununderemployment. We’ll be providing them with expert training and mentoring. 

​During lunch - we’ll be inviting you to think creatively about hiring, and meet our talented pool of jobseekers. 

SIC’s aim

​To shed some light on what breaking down the barriers actually means. 

​To normalise conversations around disability and neurodivergence. 

​To erase the confusion surrounding responsibility and requirements.


​Full agenda coming soon.


  • ​A main stage of speakers 

  • ​2 workshop breakout rooms

  • ​A sensory zone

  • ​Quiet space

  • ​A jobs fair 

  • ​A fully catered lunch. 


​Accessibility is vitally important to us at SIC. 

​All parrticipants will be sent an Access Rider ahead of time with everything you need to know.

​We are delighted to welcome two BSL interpreters for the day and the interpreter will also be available for the networking sessions if required - please email to request this service. Reserved front-row seating will be available for any attendees who feel they may benefit from this. Speakers will use mics. Unfortunately, no hearing loop is available.

​The only recorded session will be the Disabled Joy Podcast. 

​Three different sensory / quiet zones will be open and a further quiet lound will be made available. 

​Attendees and speakers will be seated for the panel discussion, and seating will be available throughout the event. There is no obligation to stay for the duration of the event - you are welcome to attend for parts of the day or for the whole day. 

​When people are speaking, if you wish to leave the room, please do so quietly so as not to disturb the speakers. 

​There will be no music, flashing lights, or loud noises in the main part of the day. We will have a performance at the end of the day - more details to follow. 

For full event information and to book your ticket: